Thursday, 17 May 2007

Chillaxing in Punta

Hey hey. So are on our 4th day in Punta del Este staying with the Hecklers and we are getting a good routine down...lots of fruit in the morning, a fair amount of sun bathing and playing with Oscar during the day, then many many helpings of delicious food and beers.....litre bottles of Heineken are $2 USD. Such a hard life! Havainas are half the price here so stocking up on those too.
Jimmy went up to Montevideo yesterday with Don and met some head farming honchos which was good, has a few more meetings on Friday so we will be here till at least then. Then we'll be off to the other side of Argentina to Bariloche.
Right must to you all....Cam and sarah awewsome that the wedding went so well, can't wait to see photos.xxxx

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