Thursday, 3 January 2008

The time capsule post

Welcome back to the new exciting season of Cat-Liking - it's going to be the best year yet and here's a sneak peak of what's on the cards.

Health-wise: Amy has promised that, unlike last year, she will be having a full run of great health. Although waking up on New Years Day with the flu doesn't count. Nor does the fact that she still has it.
She has also solemnly promised to attend a gym this year.....thanks to a generous b'day present from Mum.... a gym membership! Amy wishes to hit 30 minus the Michelin tyres she carries we'll all be getting sporadic updates on her progress, depending on how well it's going.

Love-wise: Amy spent most of 2007 looking for her prince...and didn't find him. She did however kiss a few frogs. Some were more wart-covered than others. This year Amy is going to be all mature about it, and not try to find the man of her dreams at a nightclub in Tauranga at 2 in the morning. If anyone has any better suggestions however at meeting single men in this city of couples and marrieds, she is ALL EARS.

Fun-wise: We'll be doing an overseas posting from Fiji in May, when Amy is off on a family holiday to Treasure Island. Mum has wisely booked an extra seat on the plane JUST IN CASE Amy gets a boyfriend...but at this stage it'll be a Whole Bure To Myself. Which will be quite nice.

House-wise: Watch the progress of the Garden of Veg, and ooh and ahh over a planned new neighbourly fence. Winter season will see the carpeting and curtaining of the lounges and bedrooms.

Other exciting items!: The hair is going to Grow. The constant swearing is going to stop. The handcream is going to be applied and the vitamins taken, instead of gathering dust by the toaster. The teeth will be flossed and the sheets changed every week, and when I get asked to do something, be it dinner with Dad or watching a band with a friend, I will say Yes, because 2008 is going to be a year of being Busy, and Active, and Positive, and most of all, HAPPY.


Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

2008 is going to be a GREAT year and I can't wait to read all about how it progresses for you.

CaliValleyGirl said...

Fiji...*waaah*...I am jealous...can't wait to hear about that trip.