Thursday, 17 May 2007

Smiling on the Outside

So here I am back in Auckland. It is quite a weird feeling considering how stoked I was to be leaving. I had said goodbye to all my favourite things and friends, and was anticipating never having to battle Auckland motorways and Queen Street again. You just never can tell what will happen huh.
So my friends have all been super awesome as usual and kept me busy. Jet lag has knocked me for six though and have been spending most nights wide awake watching CNN. Was amazed to see Prince William and Kate have broken up, I thought I should ring her to commiserate, you know, share the pain.
Have found a flat in Ponsonby with my friend's brother which will be super good times, he is a top guy and the house is beautiful so that is a relief. Have a meeting at my old work today to see if can be placed there so have all fingers and toes crossed for that. Funny how things seem to fall into place BUT I WISH THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO. I was really looking forward to being on the farm...but not meant to be. Ah well.
Heading to the Bay tomorrow for some time out with Mum and Colin. All I want to do is lie on the couch with my head in her lap and have her pat my head. Mums are good times.
Anyhoo! Will post again when I am far more cheery. Aims x

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